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Contact Information


Heidelberg University,

Institute of Applied Mathematics Mathematikon,

Im Neuenheimer Feld 205,

D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany,

Office 2.402.


Groups page:

BioStruct Research Group

Perpharmance Research Training Group

About me

Hi there! I'm a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Anna Marciniak-Czochra at the university of Heidelberg.


Topic of research:

My research work is mainly focused on a class of reaction-diffusion equations called Reaction-Diffusion-ODE (RD-ODE) systems. Such equations are usually expressed under the form

$$\begin{aligned} \dfrac{\partial}{\partial t} u(x, t) &= F \bigl(u(x, t), v(x, t) \bigr) & x \in \Omega, t \ge 0, \\ \dfrac{\partial}{\partial t} v(x, t) &= D\Delta v(x, t) + G \bigl( u(x,t), v(x, t) \bigr) & x \in \Omega, t \ge 0, \\ \bigl( u(\mathbf{\cdot}, 0), v(\mathbf{\cdot}, 0) \bigr) &\in \left( L^\infty(\bar \Omega) \right)^m \times \left(W^{2, p}(\Omega)\right)^n, \end{aligned}$$

with either Neumann or Periodic boundary conditions on a one-dimensional domain \( \Omega = (0, L) \) and \( m, n \ge 1 \) are two integers. More precisely, we study the phenomenon of symmetry breaking and de novo pattern formation induced by diffusion driven instability.

Research areas:

Our work features mathematics from various horizons, including

  • Partial differential equations
  • Functional and Numerical analysis
  • Semigroups of operator theory
  • Spectral theory
  • Geometric singular perturbation theory